Call For Papers

The International Journal of Information and Knowledge Studies (IJIKS)

ISSN: 2789-5920

Submissions open for Volume 4 (2024)

International Journal of Information and Knowledge Studies (IJIKS) is an open access and double-blind peer-reviewed Journal which is published annually on regular basis. This journal is in the process of being indexed by Crossref, Google Scholar, PKP Open Archives Harvester and other international citation databases. Every article published in this journal will be provided with unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This Journal’s ISSN number is 2789-5920.

IJIKS welcomes the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students from all over the world to impart and share knowledge in the form of high-quality original research papers, case studies, conceptual papers, viewpoints (on invitation only). 

The editors are pleased to consider papers on the current trends in Information and Knowledge Studies worldwide, including, but not limited to topics such as:

Information Management:

  • The best practices in information management, 
  • Information organization, 
  • Technological interventions for information management, 
  • Information management in diversified platforms (social media, web, libraries, knowledge centers, information centers etc.), 
  • Information sharing through digital environment, 
  • Information security and protection, 
  • Ethical issues in the use of information, future trends in information management,
  • Open data, and open access.
  • Information Management and Sustainable Development

Knowledge Studies:

  • Knowledge organizations, 
  • Tacit knowledge extraction, 
  • Methods and practices in codification of tacit knowledge, 
  • Knowledge Management Strategies and Innovation
  • Knowledge management practices among different institutions, 
  • Challenges in knowledge management, 
  • Trends in knowledge management, 
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Knowledge Management and Innovation
  • Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development

Innovation in Library and Information Institutions (LIIs)

  • Technological innovations for LIIs
  • Modern tools for Better Service providing in LIIs
  • Innovation in Practice
  • Service Innovation
  • Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
  • Big Data
  • IoT Applications
  • Ontologies
  • Open science
  • Role of LIIs in emerging social contexts
  • Library and Information Science Research in Innovation
  • Challenges in Implementing Modern Tools and Technologies
  • Innovation and Sustainability of LIIs

Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

  • MIL Approaches and Competencies
  • MIL Policy Development and Strategy
  • MIL Curriculum
  • MIL and Sustainable Development Goals
  • MIL for Youth and Women Empowerment
  • MIL and Disinfodemic
  • MIL as a Public Good

Awareness Building on Library and Information Institutions (LIIs)

  • Digital Literacy
  • Digital Information Marketing for Awareness Building
  • Social Networking Platforms for innovation
  • Intellectual property Rights
  • Policy Planning and Implementation
  • Awareness and Sustainability of LIIs
  • Networks, Coalitions, and Leadership

Please be advised that Volume 4 will especially welcome AI related papers.

Key Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: 31 July 2024

Acceptance Notification: Provisional Acceptance by 30 September 2024

Final Acceptance By 15 November 2024

Date of Publishing: By 31 December 2024

Submit your manuscript to the editors at

For information on journal policies, please visit:

Or contact with:
Ms. Rumana Rahman
Editorial Assistant (Communication)
International Journal of Information and Knowledge Studies

For web portal related issues, please contact

Mr. Md. Mamun-Or-Rashid
Web Editor
International Journal of Information and Knowledge Studies

IJIKS is published by Bangladesh Institute for Information Literacy and Sustainable Development (BIILSD). BIILSD stands for information and knowledge enabled public policy making for an inclusive and responsible societies locally, nationally and globally.