About the Journal

  • Aims

This journal will provide a platform for the information scientists, faculty members, information practitioners, knowledge managers and others related to the field of information and knowledge studies to contribute their thoughts, ideas, insights and best practices in the form of research. Any socio-political-economic issues related with the management of information and knowledge will also be welcomed for submission. Modern technological interventions will also be highlighted in the publications for better management of information and knowledge. 

  • Scope 

The journal will cover two broad topics i.e. information and knowledge. The coverage of the journal includes (but is not limited to):

The best practices in information management, information organization, technological interventions for information management, information management in diversified platforms (social media, web, libraries, knowledge centers, information centers etc.), information sharing though digital environment, media and information literacy, financial literacy,  information security and protection, ethical issues in the use of information, future trends in information management, open data, open access .

Knowledge organizations, tacit knowledge extraction, methods and practices in codification of tacit knowledge, knowledge management practices among different institutions, challenges in knowledge management, trends in knowledge management, knowledge sharing etc.